Serving the most vulnerable in rural Malawi

Malawi is regarded as one of the poorest countries in the world; in the remote regions, there’s acute poverty, widespread hunger and malnutrition.

Aid Africa, a small UK charity, powerfully impacts Malawi’s rural areas by running an integrated group of projects, each tailored to local need, designed to empower communities and help individuals in our target group: orphans, the elderly, those living with disabilities and the AIDS-affected.

Our Mission


food and shelther to the frailest


safe water, education, and training to empower communities


self-sustainability over dependency

Our focus this month...

Malawi needs watering cans! 

Hunger is widespread and deadly.

Each month on site we have a “Cash-for-Work” programme running, and during June, every single participant was working to buy food for their family — not frivolous luxuries, but basic food!

Really concerned about this level of hunger, we’re expanding our agri-projects, one of which is enabling irrigation to multiply food crops, simply by providing a watering can, seeds and chemicals to enhance and protect the plants.

Planned irrigation is not common in Malawi, so the successful results are bringing so many others to “catch the vision” and appreciate the project, wanting to be part of the programme.  So we need more watering cans!

We can have them made locally for £4.75 each
 Just click "donate now" and your donation in July will transform lives!

Any amount is welcome and greatly appreciated...
...... and to enable us to continue to empower some of the poorest people on the planet, would you urgently consider setting up a monthly Standing Order to partner with us? See our Donations Page (via the "donate now" button) for more info....

Many thanks! 

Previously... "thank you for providing sleeping mats......"

It’s winter in Malawi, and the most vulnerable are unlikely to have beds, mattresses, nor adequate blankets, and at this time of year, the temperature drops significantly at night. Sleeping directly on a dirt floor is hard, cold and damp, so these special mats are highly valued.....

The mats are large, made by local craftsmen, and are traditionally woven with local materials. Each is often used by all members of the same gender in the family so your contribution helped both adults & children and will last for ages.

Malita (above), frail and elderly, is thankful for your donation....

Thank you for your help…. 

Our Projects

A variety of programmes, each a response to local challenges, together serving thousands.